Saturday, April 24, 2010

Here's to you...

Pull the wool from around my eyes. I want to see. I want to know. I want to be. A chorus of melody. A sunset so mesmerizing I can hardly stand. I want to walk in the waters that cleanse my soul and heart.
When will you understand me? When will you give me what I need? I wont fall into line, I just cant. What are we all waiting for?
When will the tide just carry me away?
Time is of the essence. Is it slipping away or presenting me with a path? A new path, a new beginning?
I want to be colourful. I don't want you to try to suppress me anymore. You are damaging my soul. I need to be set free.
Joy, Joy, Joy.
You are my joy!
Biting my tongue is never something that I have been good at! Oh my goodness no! I know that patience is a virtue, but its not something I posses much of either!
I am trying. Each day. One at a time.
I like the line out of an Incubus song. "Something tells me that breathing less air, beats breathing you in" Lol. Its a bit twisted, but I still like it.
My heart is a funny thing. Very funny. Very strange. Hard to work out. I wonder if I ever will. My friend told me maybe I'm meant to be one of those people that is forever confused and perplexed. But he told me it suits me. Lol. I'm not sure how to take that. I wonder if there is one person out there that understands me completely. I highly doubt it.
I have often wished I could live my life a few times over. Then I wouldnt be so worried about making mistakes. That would be cool. Oh well, guess thats not going to happen Lol.
I often look at other people and wish I had their life, but then again, im sure there are people looking at me wishing the same thing. Its like a vicious cycle of where is the grass truly greener?
Who am I kidding? Only myself... Yes I realise Im just rambling, but thats kind of the point here... I wonder if anyone is listening anyway?? :-)

Until next time my friends...

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