Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 11. A photo taken of you recently

This is probably the most recent one that I have immediate access to. At the begining of the year there was a 'pay it forward' thing going around on facebook. The idea was to put it on your status, the first three people to comment you have a year to make them something handmade. And in return they had to put it as their status and do the same for three other people. And so on and so forth.
As I am not very artistic, I decided to go to the Lyncraft shop the other day and it was a magical land of all sorts of different craft things. I thought I should start with something sort of simple. So I bought some knitting needles and some yarn (lol) and started knitting a scarf for my friend. It then turned into a blanket and then a circle! Epic Fail. So now I have started again and hopefully can make my friend a scarf by winter!

I hope you are having a happy monday everyone!


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